2.7.2015 Thoughts…

6-4 +1.6 on systems yesterday – Record improves when the systems don’t go against raw numbers fyi.
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Anyways, all systems without a conflict (another system going the other way are now: 25-12 +13.02 units now last three days.
Nothing qualifies as a top play for now, but some raw number basics and up and quite a number of systems.
Consider #697 MERCER -5 (WINNER) in addition as there are two systems plus a raw number agreement (to fade Mercer’s opponent).
Has been good since added to the database…
Will follow up if I have anything.
A 100% viable strategy I suggested to a client that I thought I’d share was this:
Easy and quick:
Quick and easy method #1
Step 1: Start with either large raw number edges (2.0 plus for example in NCAAB)
Step 2: Take games where you have a supporting system.
This should yield easily 55+ ATS.
Quick and easy method #2
Could do the other way around too:
Step 1. Stay with a game with a supporting system and no conflicting systems.
Step 2. Check to make sure raw number aren’t either highly negative or to be more conservative, negative at all.
This strategy, is solid as well, but I like prioritizing the raw number as they something that can be blindly bet with the most confidence. Systems, blindly bet
I’m reserving the email still just for top plays.
A top play is more or less first method and then an incredible amount of extra filtering and checks and my own intuition that I can’t even begin to describe in a nutshell.
Three Team Parlay:

#005 Dallas ML (L by 1)
#012 Montreal ML W
#015 Detroit ML W

(0.36 units to win 1 unit) Lost

Montreal would be the best of the three for you to consider taking solo as NHL raw basics are still 124-66 +31.62 Units even after a bit of a dip last few days.


Game Score Status Pick Amount
Chicago 107 7:00 PM ET Chicago -1.5 1.00
New Orleans 72    WINNER!
(System power subset + Raw numbers)
Good luck,
(Last Update 2.7.2014)
3883-3493-187 +602.12 Units
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